Mountain view pointe dental

Prevention Dentistry

At Mountain View Pointe Dental, we hold the conviction that prevention serves as the bedrock of optimal oral health. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals specializes in Preventive Dentistry, offering a comprehensive approach to dental care that revolves around the maintenance of your teeth and gum health.

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What is Prevention Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is the cornerstone of keeping your smile healthy and bright. It encompasses a range of practices aimed at averting dental problems before they develop. This proactive approach is not only beneficial for maintaining oral health but also vital for avoiding complicated and often expensive treatments in the future.

What Exactly is Preventive Dentistry?

At its core, preventive dentistry is a holistic approach to oral healthcare. It integrates routine personal care with systematic professional treatments, forming a comprehensive strategy to forestall a variety of oral diseases. This method is pivotal in reducing the likelihood of developing cavities, gum diseases, enamel erosion, and other common dental problems. It’s a proactive rather than reactive approach, emphasizing the importance of ongoing care to maintain oral health.

Mountain View Pointe Dental's Prevention Options


Night Guards

Mountain View Pointe Dental's Complete Guide to Prevention Dentistry

Exploring the Key Components of Preventive Dentistry

  • Regular Dental Checkups:

    • Frequency and Importance: Typically advised every six months, regular dental checkups are a fundamental aspect of preventive dentistry. These visits go beyond basic oral examination; they are crucial for the early identification and management of potential oral health issues.

    • What Happens During Checkups: During these appointments, dentists assess the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. They look for signs of any emerging dental issues that, if left unchecked, could escalate into serious concerns.

  • Professional Cleanings:

    • Role of Dental Hygienists: A key element of preventive care, professional cleanings are usually conducted by skilled dental hygienists. These cleanings are more thorough than regular brushing and are essential for maintaining oral health.

    • Targeting Plaque and Tartar: The primary focus is to meticulously remove plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, can harden into tartar, leading to gum disease and tooth decay if not properly managed.

  • Dental X-rays:

    • Unveiling Hidden Issues: Dental X-rays are an integral part of preventive dentistry. They provide a detailed view of your dental structure, uncovering issues that aren’t visible during a standard oral examination.

    • Frequency and Safety: Though they are typically part of regular checkups, the frequency of X-rays depends on your individual dental health needs. Modern dental X-ray techniques are safe, with minimal radiation exposure.

  • Fluoride Treatments:

    • Strengthening Teeth: Fluoride, a natural mineral, plays a significant role in tooth decay prevention. Fluoride treatments involve the application of high concentrations of fluoride to the teeth, helping to fortify the enamel.

    • Benefits and Application: These treatments are particularly beneficial for individuals at high risk of tooth decay, offering an additional layer of protection alongside regular brushing and flossing.

  • Dental Sealants:

    • Protective Barrier: Dental sealants offer a proactive measure against tooth decay. They involve applying a thin, protective coating to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth – areas most prone to decay.

    • Ideal Candidates and Longevity: Sealants are especially advantageous for children and teenagers but can be effective for adults too. They can protect against decay for several years before needing reapplication.

4 Common Dental Issues Arising from Neglecting Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry plays a vital role in maintaining oral health, yet its importance is often overlooked until dental problems arise. Neglecting these preventive measures can lead to a host of dental issues. Here, we explore four common dental problems that frequently occur when preventive dentistry is not prioritized.

1. Tooth Decay and Cavities

What Happens:

Tooth decay, leading to cavities, is perhaps the most direct consequence of neglecting preventive dental care. When plaque builds up on the teeth, the bacteria in it produce acids that attack tooth enamel. Over time, this process can lead to the formation of cavities.


Cavities can cause toothache, sensitivity, and in severe cases, can lead to more serious infections or the need for a root canal. Regular cleanings and fluoride treatments, as part of preventive care, are crucial in avoiding this issue.

2. Gum Disease

Stages and Symptoms:

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, begins as gingivitis, characterized by red, swollen, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, where gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that can become infected.


Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and has been linked to other health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene are key preventive measures.

3. Enamel Erosion


Enamel erosion occurs when the hard outer layer of the teeth wears away. This can be due to acidic foods and drinks, aggressive brushing, or other factors. Without the protective layer of enamel, teeth become more susceptible to decay.

Prevention and Management:

Preventive dentistry emphasizes the importance of proper brushing techniques and regular dental visits to monitor and manage enamel health.

4. Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Underlying Factors:

Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, is often more than just an embarrassing social problem. It can indicate underlying dental issues like cavities, gum disease, or a coated tongue, often caused by a buildup of bacteria.

Role of Preventive Care:

Regular dental cleanings and checkups help in identifying and addressing the underlying causes of bad breath. Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar, reducing the bacterial load in the mouth.

Expanded Benefits of Preventive Dentistry

1. Significantly Lowers the Risk of Dental Issues

  • Comprehensive Protection: Regular dental maintenance under preventive dentistry is a strategic approach to safeguard against a wide range of dental issues. This practice includes routine brushing and flossing, coupled with professional dental care, effectively reducing the likelihood of cavities, gum disease, and more serious dental complications.

  • Addressing Minor Issues Before They Escalate: Preventive measures allow for the early identification and treatment of minor oral health issues, preventing them from developing into more severe problems. This approach is critical in preserving the integrity and longevity of your natural teeth.

2. Cost-Effectiveness of Prevention Over Treatment

  • Long-term Financial Savings: Preventive dentistry is undeniably more budget-friendly compared to the costs associated with treating dental problems. By investing in preventive care, you can steer clear of the financial burden often associated with extensive dental procedures like fillings, root canals, or dental implants.

  • Reducing Unnecessary Expenditure: Regular checkups and cleanings, though seemingly an upfront cost, are in fact economically beneficial in the long run. They mitigate the need for more expensive, complex dental treatments that arise from neglect.

3. Early Detection of Dental Issues

  • Facilitating Timely Intervention: Routine dental checkups are a fundamental component of preventive dentistry. These visits are crucial for the early detection of potential dental problems. Early identification means these issues can be addressed when they are still in their nascent stages, typically easier and less costly to treat.

  • Utilizing Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Modern dental practices employ a range of diagnostic tools, such as digital X-rays and intraoral cameras, which are instrumental in detecting hidden dental issues that might not be visible to the naked eye during a standard exam.

4. Maintaining Overall Health

  • Link Between Oral and General Health: There’s a well-established connection between oral health and overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental issues that might contribute to other health complications, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory infections.

  • Holistic Health Benefits: By maintaining good oral health through preventive dentistry, you’re not just protecting your teeth and gums; you’re also contributing positively to your overall health and well-being. This holistic approach ensures that your body functions harmoniously, reducing the risk of associated health issues.

Home Practices for Effective Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry isn’t limited to the dental office; it’s a comprehensive approach that extends into daily routines. Patients play a critical role in maintaining their oral health through various practices at home. Here are key strategies individuals can implement to contribute effectively to their preventive dental care:

1. Proper Brushing Techniques

  • Twice Daily Routine: Brushing teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bed, is foundational in removing plaque and bacteria.

  • Correct Brushing Method: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush using gentle, circular motions to clean all surfaces of the teeth.

  • Duration: Ensure each brushing session lasts for at least two minutes.

2. Regular Flossing

  • Daily Flossing: Flossing once a day helps to remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth and under the gumline, areas where a toothbrush can’t reach.

  • Proper Flossing Technique: Use a gentle sawing motion to bring the floss between the teeth without snapping it, which can harm delicate gum tissue.

3. Balanced Diet and Limited Sugar Intake

  • Eat Nutritious Foods: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D, supports healthy teeth and gums.

  • Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods: Sugary and acidic foods can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Limiting their intake is crucial in preventive dental care.

4. Regular Use of Mouthwash

  • Antibacterial Mouthwash: Using an antibacterial mouthwash can help reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

  • Fluoride Mouthwash: Mouthwashes with fluoride can help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay.

5. Hydration and Avoidance of Dry Mouth

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water promotes saliva production, which naturally cleanses the mouth and helps neutralize acids.

  • Manage Dry Mouth: If you experience dry mouth, address it promptly as it can increase the risk of dental decay. Chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate saliva flow.

6. Avoiding Tobacco and Limiting Alcohol Consumption

  • No Tobacco: Tobacco in any form increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. Quitting tobacco is essential for oral and overall health.

  • Moderate Alcohol Use: Excessive alcohol consumption can harm oral tissues and teeth. Moderation is key.

7. Wear Protective Gear During Sports

  • Mouth Guards: If you engage in sports, especially contact sports, wearing a mouth guard can protect your teeth from injury.

8. Regular Dental Checkups

  • Routine Visits: Even with diligent at-home care, regular dental checkups are essential for professional cleanings and to catch any issues early.


Embracing these at-home practices significantly contributes to preventive dentistry, ensuring the longevity and health of your teeth and gums. A combination of good oral hygiene, a healthy lifestyle, and regular dental visits is your best defense against dental problems. By taking these steps, you actively participate in safeguarding your oral health, minimizing the need for complex dental procedures in the future.